Sunday 14 July 2013

The Joy of Rewrites

I've spent the last week going through my children's fiction, after deciding to republish it on Kindle. What I thought would be a fairly simple process has now proved to be a rather larger task than I originally envisaged.
I should have known better than to think it would simply be a case of proofread the manuscript and format it. That's what happens when you re-read something written between 12-15 years ago.
After one reading, it was obvious that I needed to do some fairly extensive revision and editing. I've changed as a writer in the years since these were written (hopefully I've gotten a lot better), and rather than tack together a few loosely connected stories with a longer novella, I've decided to rewrite it as a young reader novella, incorporating the shorter works into the longer one in a way that makes the story flow better. I'm also going to make some of the themes a bit more subtle - I figure that, as I'm changing my target readership from parents reading to toddlers and aiming it more towards 5-8 year olds, it doesn't need to be as blunt in its messages.
It's also my first attempt at using yWriter 5 as a writing tool. Up until now, I've been using Focus Writer to draft my manuscripts before importing into Microsoft Word for editing and proofing as well as formatting. Early impressions of yWriter are good - it appears to be quite flexible. I'll post a more detailed review when I've figured it out properly.

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