Sunday 24 March 2013


I read a post via LinkedIn this morning. Basically, it was saying that sometimes procrastination can be a good thing. The article itself was talking about job hunting, but I got to thinking about how it could apply to writing as well. I know I have sat in front of an almost blank document many times and spent far too long fiddling with the layout and formatting rather than the actual content.
However, on some occasions – especially when I am finding it difficult to get the right words down on paper – I find that a little bit of ‘tarting up’ the layout, whilst letting my mind relax so my subconscious can get to work, can really help. That little bit of time spent procrastinating has often allowed me to externalise my thoughts in an order that makes sense without sounding stilted or wooden.
This is equally true for fiction or academic essays. I remember struggling over some legal concepts when I was studying law. Despite the assignment being due the next day, I decided to give it up for a while. An hour on the bike, not thinking about it, and when I got back I flew through it.

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