Wednesday 22 May 2013

Weather and Technology

Change of pace yesterday. The weather was glorious, the kids were off school, and the writing I had planned to do went out of the window. So it was down to the seafront and into the park. I sat on a bench, watching the kids playing, with fingers itching for a keyboard. I began to play around with the idea of an alternative children's reading primer story, aimed squarely at adults. That idea began to take shape with characters drawn (exaggerated to the nth degree) from previous work colleagues. I couldn't wait to get writing, when I had a brainwave - I have a docs app on my iPhone!
Whilst the kids played, I spent half an hour writing the first draft of the story. Yesterday evening, I finished it off via the laptop, and tidied it up this morning. The resultant story (very short, humorous, full of double entendre is Dave Hurts His Leg. Have a read, enjoy it, let me know what you think.
What struck me though was the convenience of technology for the modern writer. Without a smartphone, the initial impetus might have been lost; or the initial germ of an idea might have become diluted by thinking about it too much before I could get to a keyboard. I know some writers are famously anti-technology, and there are others who cannot work unless they use a manual typewriter (Frederick Forsythe springs to mind) but for me it's another tool for me to use.

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